Saturday, July 18, 2009

Thankful for support

This may sound like I am accepting an award but here it goes lol.....

I am so grateful to all of my family and friends for all of the help and support they give me when Josh is away. It has been especially hard this month since I have only been able to talk to him once and it was the longest I had ever gone without at least talking to him. It definitely makes you depend more on God and I believe can make your marriage stronger if you let it. He comes back home in 10 days for a 5 days before heading off to VA! I am so excited even if it's only a short time. But the next 2 months will be alot easier because we will be able to communicate pretty much every day. So many things seem to go wrong when I am not able to talk to cell phone, the brakes in my car...surprise bills. But God is good and has taken care of me through it all.

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